This game is fun enough to play, but there are a few things I don't understand.
-Staying in the room for a long time
After grabbing five easy coins I cash in. After I cash in I can immediately continue playing and grab five MORE easy coins then cash in AGAIN. If I keep playing, I might get a few more coins, but since enemies start coming so fast at that point it's much too risky. If I get more than six coins chances are I'll lose all of it. There should have been coins worth more five coins later on, so that later in the game coins could really start being earned and really start being risked. As it is, even if I do rack up fifteen or so coins, chances are I'll accidentally run into the wheelbarrow before I go back to the menu and lose all of that money forever because of how hard it is to cash in the money that's in the wheelbarrow. Which brings me to the next thing:
Why would you want this? You accidentally bump into it a lot, losing your money because it's hard to push it back to the goal with all of the enemies going after you. I guess you're supposed to put your money in it during the middle of the round so that you could go and get more, but why would you go and get more when you could just cash it in and then immediately start playing again like I said earlier? The wheelbarrow would have worked if the money you put in remained when you start the next round, but that just isn't the case.
-Drink Powerup / Suit
What do these do? I thought they would give me one extra health to protect me from enemies, but if that's what they do they didn't work.
Sorry for what was probably a confusing, jumbled review, but this game could have been better.